Friday, December 15, 2017

Seth A M

Author= Seth Alexander Matheny

Information=the two players are a northern spotted owl and a northern flying squrril
the bard owls are one of the biggest problems for northern spotted owls and are destroying their habitait. lettuce lung and owl freind are helps, eneimes include bard owls, owl bosses, squirrl bosses, and varations of lumberjacks owl moves with wasd and press q to shoot turds and squirll moves with arrows and presses space to shooot.


  1. that was interesting
    it fit the topic kinda
    add more levels and make it easier to shoot

  2. um how does this game make ANY sense???????????????????????

  3. i couldnt play it at first, maybe some instructions???

  4. I didn't like this it didn't do any thing

  5. I couldn't play in the slightest :(

  6. cut seen there is none 1 level as well

  7. No cut scene or tutorial. this game was really nothing to do in it

  8. im bat there was one level that was bad because i did not know what to do

  9. no cut seen and only one level by patrick

  10. there was only one level and made no sense

  11. there is a splash screen, no cut scene, and the levels don't get harder, it's easy, then easier, then suddenly impossible.

  12. there is a splash screen, no cut scene, and the levels don't get harder, it's easy, then easier, then suddenly impossible.

  13. Th= the theme was owls vs squires it fit the grade
    2E= the 2 real enemies are lumberjacks and owls
    2H= the helps were the trees and the salemander
    RF=the one fact in cut seen was that owl fly I could not find a fact when you hit something in sound was that owls go hote in text that owls or swirls git salty
    SN=one when the owl moves and one as background
    SS=no name in splash
    GI=1 and 2 are there but no story
    TL=1 and 2 in the tutorial I think
    3L=yes it has three levels
    CH= Kinda
    Sp= yes the sprites match

    By Patrick Garcia

  14. this game looks good it has all the facts it has the enemies it has the two sounds it has the helps and
